What a dystopian Masterpiece – reminded me of Ghost in the Shell and Περβολαράκη microcosmos of applied Arts in the center of Athens.
Author: mgladmin
Protected: Te Puka Estate WebCam, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Siamese Twins
Not often that you hear the word foretaste. This song epitomises my youth. This kind of music provided a filter through which it was possible to ignore almost everything else that went on.
Continue readingConcomitant benefits….
never gets old….
Sir Humphrey : Notwithstanding the fact that your proposal could conceivably encompass certain concomitant benefits of a marginal and peripheral relevance, there is a countervailing consideration of infinitely superior magnitude involving your personal complicity and corroborative malfeasance, with a consequence that the taint and stigma of your former associations and diversions could irredeemably and irretrievably invalidate your position and culminate in public revelations and recriminations of a profoundly embarrassing and ultimately indefensible character.
Jim Hacker : Perhaps I can have a précis of that?
Tamanu CCTV, Aitutaki, Cook Islands
Check out the weather and aircraft at Aitutaki Airport. Book here
Continue readingThe new rise of non-conformism
Pun intended – Dear “Querdenker” – why not use your imagination and be FOR something for a change?
Tamanu Beach WebCam, Aitutaki, Cook Islands
This webcam overlooks the beach as seen from the restaurant of the Casual Luxury resort Tamanu Beach in Aitutaki, Cook Islands.
Continue readingKlangperle 13 January 2020 – Swinka
Wow – ein weiter leckerer Soundhappen aus den trueben Untiefen der Bucht am Kap der lezten Hoffnung auf feine Unterhaltung!
Last Dance – indeed und wahrscheinlich ein Superspreader event.
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Klangperle 22 November 2018 – Fusion Reprise (ФУЗИОН 2018)
Akustischer und rhythmischer Leckerbissen vom diesjaehrigen Fusion Festival. Schade dass wir es wieder nicht geschafft haben – nicht einfach mit Kindern und Dixie Klo Phobie!
One of the many highlight sets of this year’s Fusion Festival. Too bad we missed it! One should always make high when the sun shines.
Our love is a ghost that the others can’t see
Austrian Airlines had this on their Audio Channel – splendid piece of art.
And our love is a ghost that the others can’t see.
Agnes Obel – Familiar
What’s New?
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Inigo: I don’t mean to pry, but you don’t by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand? – Man in Black: Do your start all your conversations this way?
There will be blood tonight!
Thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you’re at it, why don’t you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it.
We need a miracle. It’s very important.
Let me explain… No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
Humiliations galore!
Let me explain… No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
Inigo Montoya
When it was a very new product i toyed with WordPress to replace a photo gallery i had at the time. I created quite a number of posts that seemed relevant at the time but never took it live. For one reason the Themes available at the time were just so drab.
Now that new economic realities meant i had to freelance with any thing i can get i also reevaluated my old web site and concluded it needed to be sent to the hunting ground of non-responsive design i dug the decade old WordPress content db up again and pulled the new wool of a modern theme over its eyes.
About me
If you are lucky enough to know me, you are lucky enough.
I was born and raised in East Berlin. I fled my home the first time when I was 19 to seek my fortunes across the iron curtain and later the seven seas.
The dread pirate Roberts captaining the ship of fate never made good on his promise to kill me in the morning so here i am washed up on the beaches of NoCovidLandia.
At present I am working on my dread pirate Roberts act and when i’m not doing that manage the Information Technology of a small but sexy little Airline in the South Pacific as well as numerous tech projects ranging from eccentric Cooking shows, eCommerce, WorkFromHome Solutions, e-governance all the way to managing a nightmare of a building project which miracously failed to turn my hair white. I guess we are all still here because we aaaarrrrrhhhh

Jacky 0 + Mumi – Right Where It Belongs
If you think you have to be Johnny Cash or David Bowie to pay tribute to NIN songs think again. Hats off to these young artists from Milan for such a timeless piece of art.
Lorn – Acid Rain
new and somewhat tragic take on ‘save the last dance for me’…
Lorn – Anvil
Moderat – Bad Kingdom
So classy and effortless.
No More – Suicide Commando
Duration of Clip: 3 minutes, 32 seconds
German New Wave at its primitive best. Timeless!
I never managed to get this song out of my gray matter, Cafe Nord, Kalinka, Linientreu, Negativ Frankfurt, some place under the city railway in Berlin around the year 2000 and then, when it failed to retain a public venue every car stereo i ever owned!!!
Ich verachte Jugendliche
Der gute alte Schuettelreim laeuft hier zur Hoechstform auf.
Und wenn sie maßlos Rauschgift konsumieren
wundern sie sich, warum sie daran krepieren.
Schlagen sich gegenseitig ihre Schädel ein
mit Baseballkeule, Flasche oder Ziegelstein
Ich verachte jugendliche
Palmerston & Suwarrow, 2005
A rare opportunity came along at beginning of the dry season in 2005 to drop off a new caretaker at Suwarrow Atoll aboard a research vessel with Diving Equipment. Gibo and Garth came along, Dr, Graham Wragg at the Helm with the able assistance of the Huub Van Buchem in the wheelhouse and especially the galley! It was important to have good time en route because the ‘vessel’ only made about six knot. What an amazing journey, the kind you do once and never want to do again because doing so might spoil or even just dilute the unforgettable memories.