A rare opportunity came along at beginning of the dry season in 2005 to drop off a new caretaker at Suwarrow Atoll aboard a research vessel with Diving Equipment. Gibo and Garth came along, Dr, Graham Wragg at the Helm with the able assistance of the Huub Van Buchem in the wheelhouse and especially the galley! It was important to have good time en route because the ‘vessel’ only made about six knot. What an amazing journey, the kind you do once and never want to do again because doing so might spoil or even just dilute the unforgettable memories.

This trip took place at a time when a 4 Mpix camera was the bees’ knees so apologies for low res. The underwater case was only for a 2Mpix canon but at least it held tight. When we arrived at Suwarrow there was no one there and not a single mosquito either because a year earlier there was a massive rodent eradiction program which seems the have temporarily cleared the island of all land based mammals.