Having had a depressing time in Berlin due to my dad’s ill health i ended up travelling back to Poznan by bus on account of fully booked trains and met this cute couple from Berlin which turned out to be a DJ and his wife. We exchanged numbers and I insisted they must meet Evita – turns out they knew the same clubs and their owners and sure enough we met them the same evening where they invited us to their gig on Saturday.
That Saturday now started in usual fashion with both of us locked out of the house, Evita in a business sort of summer dress and me in my bicycle/casual outfit. We decided to make the most of it and go out as we were, baggage and all. The fun did not end there!
There was this guy who earlier was a wee bit too close for comfort to either of us and sure enough, on the techno floor at Schron this somewat huge and mid-fifties kind of man with a Liam Neeson like appearance took him and moved him a bit away from Evita like “Pawn to E4”. These visuals are what sticks for ever beside being in such life long stunning company.
For such a small place Poznan has an amazing array of options and impressive lineups from all over Europe. Just like Berlin, just like when it was cool – minus the pretense.