Vintage Style Lemonade

1 cupfreshly squeezed lemon juice
1 cupcitrus oil syrup – more
6 cupswater

See here:

How to make it:

Step 1:

Zest / peel organic lemons, limes or lemonades (they grow in the Cook Islands,have a ticker peel and a sweeter than lemons)

muddle with equal part of sugar and let sit for an hour or more, the sugar will draw out the aromatic oils and form a thick syrup

Add about the same amount of water (by weight) as the peels, this will help dissolve the sugar

Step 2:

separate syrup from peels, feel free to maximise peels by piring hot water over them and squeeze

Step 3:.

Mix Resulting Syrup and a pinch of salt with 6 parts of water or 4 parts of water and ice cubes

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