
Land Unter? System Not booting? Firewall on fire? Despond not. Since the early 90ies i have been helping hundreds of friends, users and clients remotely with their IT problems (and sometimes with their interpersonal relations – not being a total geek-out I hope).

Gone are the days of Laplink, analogue modems, ISDN Cards and expensive calls tethered to fixed lines.

Today i use Remote Desktop (RDP), TeamViewer and in some cases SplashTop to do almost everything without being present.


If you install TeamViewer yourself you can choose a permananent password or just keep using the temporary password. The temporary password changes often so it is relatively safe to share the User ID with your IT Service.


You can request direct help via remote access by installing the Client called ‘SplashTop Streamer’ from this link .

Doing so will link your client to my account. Once installed you can still set your own password or have your Windows screen lock when i conenct.

You will of course also be able to see everything I do. I suggest to read up on SplashTops security model if you have any concerns. I think of myself of having acquired almost complete professional detachment whether i get paid or not for doing what I am asked to do.

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